Business Plan
Since its inception in 2015 the passion and commitment of committee members and volunteers has seen Koala Action Gympie Region (KAGR) achieve a range of on-ground impacts. The extensive knowledge both of the species and its habitat is complemented by a broad suite of skills and experience amongst its members. KAGR has an active public relations program to communicate and engage the target audiences that the group seeks to educate, influence or engage to help it achieve its goals.
The group’s current administration and governance is conducted by a volunteer management committee. However, to enhance achievements KAGR aspires to employ officers to run the day-to-day operations of the organisation and to educate and train landholders to improve their knowledge and skills in koala habitat management and rehabilitation.
Over the next ten years KAGR hopes to ensure the region has a healthy population of koalas in the wild in the long term. To achieve this the organisation aims to:
- be the voice for koalas in the protection of the species and restoration of their habitat;
- continue to increase community awareness of, and commitment to, improving the plight of local koala populations;
- build partnerships with other groups and collaborate with stakeholders and government at all levels to achieve conservation outcomes; and
- adopt best practice governance and revenue raising to ensure its long-term sustainability and visibility in the region.
- Habitat Improvement – koala habitat is managed and restored such that the species is no longer threatened in the Gympie Region
- Awareness & Community Commitment – A “Koala-aware Community” will ensure healthy koala populations in the wild in the Gympie Region.
- Advocacy and Influence – Koalas and their habitat are protected and conserved by effective regional, state and national policies, plans, regulations and investment.
- Organisational Sustainability and Impact – An effective, collaborative and sustainable group that is well resourced to achieve its goals.
Gympie is a rapidly growing regional council with a predominately rural and conservative political outlook. As such, the region doesn’t currently have the same level of policy and planning support nor the scale of investment in koala conservation as is enjoyed by SEQ Council areas to the south. This plan aims to address this challenge.
The group acknowledges that the current approach of seeking one off grants, is a major constraint to achieving the outcomes they desire over the life of this plan. The plan therefore seeks to guide the transition to an organisation that attracts larger grants and more consistent income streams that are capable of funding staff and an organisational structure that is fit for purpose. The association is therefore keen to pursue opportunities that sees greater collaboration with other groups, regions and stakeholders to build strategic projects and programs. There is also potential to increase business partnerships and sponsors through a range of initiatives proposed in this plan.
The plan outlines a range of programs, projects and actions that target the achievement of four main goals as outlined in the summary table below.
Five Year Organisational Development Outcomes
In 2028 KAGR will be:
- The peak body for the region coordinating the delivery of koala habitat rehabilitation and conservation management.
- An association that that is valued as a professional deliverer of community education and stakeholder engagement.
- A trusted and respected contributor to koala planning and policy development at all levels of government
- A financially stable group with a range of income streams from members, grants, partners and businesses that support professional staff and programs.